How to Increase Sales Without Adding Costs

Slick Boston Solutions - Website Design, SSL Certificates, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Maintenance & Support for Small Businesses

Increase Sales Today for Your Company One of the biggest questions in running any company is how to increase sales with minimal added costs. Whether you help run an independent company or a company with a national or corporate affiliation as an agent or franchisee, it is increasingly challenging to break through the clutter of brands and options for consumers.

Social Media Tips for #SmallBiz

Slick Boston Solutions - Website Design, SSL Certificates, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Maintenance & Support for Small Businesses

Social Media Selfie sticks… they’re just not your jam. No worries! Social media doesn’t necessarily have to be the product of millennial narcissism. For example, local businesses turn to social media as a way of creating awareness among new customers. Here are 4 easy ways to promote your company #SmallBiz. 1. Get in the spirit. Change your Twitter banner and

Social Media Marketing – 3 Secrets to Success

Slick Boston Solutions - Website Design, SSL Certificates, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Maintenance & Support for Small Businesses

Social Media Marketing Success, Beyond Hashtags, 3 Secrets More than 27 million people have seen Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake join forces in the fight against #overzealous #hashtaggers. We’re expanding on their message to bring you more insightful Social Media Marketing tips guaranteed to attract followers. 1. Beware of hashtag overload: The use of excessive hashtags seems desperate and can even be perceived